Sunday Morning Service

10:00 AM     Praise and Worship
7:00 PM        Bible Study
6:30 PM        Music Practice


Come visit Market Square Church on Sunday Mornings at 10:00 AM to enjoy a time of Praise and Worship.  Meet some great and real ordinary people.  We love the Lord and we love life.  Come celebrate Jesus Christ with us.  

We like to gather at 9:00 AM to enjoy coffee and fellowship.  Come and spend some time with the Market Square Family. 


Market Square is a new Church. We seek to carry out a new kind of vision to create a new kind of Church. Our Ministry Team and Church Family have chosen to walk away from the idea of Church being a building where people meet once a week. Instead, we have decided to venture out into the Market Square and start strategic businesses that the Church can operate from as they carry out ministry. Yes, we will continue to come together for worship and fellowship on Sunday, but the goal of our ministry is to connect with our people with other people in the marketplaces.  We will use all profits and resources to minister to the needs of people. Through relationships, training, mentoring, employment, and fellowship, we will be able to share the love of Jesus Christ. We want to stop just going to Church and recognize that we are the Church. It is our mission to go out to the people and minister the love of Jesus Christ and to give people hope and new opportunities.

Pathways Middle and High School

Pathways is known for its innovative approach to education.  Our students enjoy a day of learning mixed with their own Game Room.  Best yet!  They have no homework.  They do their homework in class with support from their Teachers.  

Genesis Encounters

You have never attended a Bible Study like Genesis Encounters. You will rediscover the actual world of our origins, our rise, our fall, and the journey into the present. GE is often called a 'Shock and Awe' experience.  Join me on YouTube for a Genesis Encounter Experience.